Wine perfect for Lent!

Now, you know that we eat pancakes on Shrove Tuesday to eat up the eggs etc before Lent starts! So, on the basis that in the olden days, you couldn't (probably shouldn't!) eat eggs during Lent, we have the perfect wine to imbibe while you fast!

Mestizaje Tinto 2019, Mustiguillo, Valencia, Spain , not only is a lovely wine (TASTING NOTE) but it is Vegan - no eggs were harmed filtering this wine!

Of course, this applies to all Vegan wines.  We just like this one!

It does vary, but approx. 3 or 4 egg whites are used to filter a 225 litre barrel. This equates to 0.017 egg whites per btl, but nearly all is filtered off (which is the purpose of the whole thing!).
Some chemical tests have shown that there can be up to 2.5 parts per million of egg in your wine. Not really enough to impart flavour me thinks!